Micronized Humate Product for Liquid Suspension
All Natural Soil Conditioner Net Weight - 30 lbs.
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Micromate is the result of a revolutionary new micronizing technology and can be suspended in a liquid to deliver the maximum possible concentration of humic/fulvic acids, plus the important humin fraction, to your plants and soil in a liquid form (shipped as a dry concentrate).
Micromate uses the advantage of the tremendous surface area to more readily improve your plants and soil. When in liquid form, a total humic/fulvic acid analysis of 24% exceeds any known liquid product on the market.
Micromate is totally organic, non-toxic and safe to handle. The natural pH of 3.7 enables Micromate to be safely used in all types of agriculture, horticulture and home uses.
1-2 lbs. in the seed furrow as a starter with constant agitation and/or 2-4 lbs. per acre as a foliar application, 2-3 times per growing season recommended for row crops and forages. Plants need to be just past the seedling stage - about 25% coverage of the ground before the first application. Second application is usually just before flowering, or just before the onset of the reproductive stage of the crop. The 3rd application would be early in the grain fill or fruit/vegetable sizing stage.
Our thirty-pound bags are "blow-in" type bags with 2 paper layers and an inner layer of impermeable plastic. Air holes in the bags allow the product to be blown in through an opening in the top of the bag. This opening is self-closing when the bag is filled to capacity. Shrink wrapping of palleted bags is available upon request. The bags are a plain brown paper with no printing. Pre-printed customer bags can be filled upon request.
Please visit and complete our online QUOTATION FORM and we will respond to your pricing inquiry.
Everyone Knows What Happens When Soil Becomes Depleted
Yields drop. Crops become more susceptible to disease and weaker stock is an open invitation for pests to move in. Crucial to life, humates restore the natural balance in soil necessary for optimal plant growth, and provide the foundation for plant vigor. Humates are highly concentrated, natural organic humus, formed through the biological breakdown of plant life over millions of years. Today we mine those rich remains to give your soil a concentrated source of naturally occurring humus. Its biochemically active humic acid content and the complex process of organic complexing, along with increased microbial activity, make the minerals and trace elements which are necessary for growth readily available to your plants.
Our product line consists of thirteen different humate products.
Contact Us: 1.844.486.2837
Contact Us: 1.844.486.2837